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Welcome To Vidyagram Teachers Training College

About us

India has had its indigenous system of education called the gurukul. The village school in ancient India was called gurukul, as the schooling took place at the home (kul) of the teacher, who was called the guru.It is not known whether a person became a guru because of his scholarship or was a person from among the educated in the village who had also received training in becoming a guru.

This system continued till the first quarter of the nineteenth century when schools similar to schools in Europe replaced village schools. It was realised that village schoolmasters could not be expected to teach that in which they themselves had never been instructed

Each person can trace contribution of some teacher who helped that person to transform into a good human being with a more positive self-image, more self-confidence, more commitment and motivation to pursue excellence. This role of a teacher is universally acknowledged.

Vidyagram is a pursuit towards imparting education that facilitates the development of individuals. Learning is an unceasing process, the most vital phase being the school years, when a person is most inquisitive and receptive. During these years of growth of the students, Vidyagram would aid in their development by introducing and acquainting them to, and helping them comprehend, the world around them by creating an influx of knowledge.

But more so, Vidyagram would encourage and stimulate the students to indulge in a self-learning process, a process in which the students are enthused to crave for knowledge and to develop their own perspective of things. 


Chairman & Director's

It gives me immense pleasure and pride to share my experiences about my small ship sailing along with the young sailors a long way from shore to shore It has been a remarkable experience guiding and steering through turbulent times and of course there were many memorable occasions, the memories of which compel tears of joy to trickle down my cheeks!

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We, at Vidyagram T.T College, strive to provide a unique learning experience to our students by keeping pace with change and development and helping students to inculcate skills which will help them to face the challenges of contemporary life. Our constant endeavour is to provide the best infrastructural facilities to the students. We have excellent computer laboratories equipped with the latest technology to provide a hand on experience to every student.

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